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September 01, 2012

The belief that corporal punishment is a difficult, but necessary practice continues to persist in a minority of Florida school districts. It persists, even as administrators who support it say they are aware of its potential to damage children and that it may spark lawsuits. It persists even though corporal punishment has been found to increase youth hostility, antisocial behavior, and the likelihood that a child will drop out of school.

February 01, 2012

This report contains stories reported to the Southern Poverty Law Center. They illustrate the devastating impact HB 56 has had on Alabama Latinos, regardless of their immigration status. The stories also illustrate that HB 56 has unleashed a kind of vigilantism, leading some Alabamians to believe they can cheat, harass and intimidate Latinos with impunity.

January 01, 2012

Alabama has made many important changes to the juvenile justice system. There is now an opportunity to create a statewide model for girls. Developing a statewide, locally run model system of care for girls will again demonstrate the state’s commitment to move away from a typical correctional institutional approach to troubled youth.

October 01, 2011

The American Family Association (AFA) is one of most powerful religious-right groups in the nation, with a $20 million budget, a network of 200 radio stations and two Internet television channels The AFA and its spokesman, Bryan Fischer, are famous for their anti-gay bigotry. What’s less known is how ‘mainstream’ Idahoans jump-started Fischer’s career.

September 20, 2011

The National Assessment of Educational Progress—commonly called “The Nation’s Report Card”—tells a dismal story: Only 2% of high school seniors in 2010 could answer a simple question about the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision. And it’s no surprise. Across the country, state educational standards virtually ignore our civil rights history.

July 01, 2011

The immigrant justice project, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is a legal initiative that defends labor rights and civil rights in the Southeastern United States. It has extensive experience in this field, and has ample resources to use in confronting injustice.

July 01, 2011

The Immigrant Justice Project, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is a legal initiative that defends labor rights and civil rights in the Southeastern United States. It has extensive experience in this field, and has ample resources to use in confronting injustice.

July 01, 2011

The Immigrant Justice Project, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is a legal initiative that defends labor rights and civil rights in the Southeastern United States. It has extensive experience in this field, and has ample resources to use in confronting injustice. 
